Thursday, October 17, 2024

BBC Documentary: Is the Bharat Todo gang involved in the conspiracy of BBC?

BBC Documentary: Is the Bharat Todo gang involved in the conspiracy of BBC?

Behind the BBC documentary are all those people who were working on the anti-Modi agenda since 2002. The big question is why this issue has been revived after 20 years.

The British ruled India by adopting the policy of divide and rule. We have been hearing this sentence since independence. While leaving, they provoked the Muslims and made them a separate country. 

BBC Documentary

Sensing the apprehension of rebellion in the Indian Army after Subhash Chandra Bose met with Germany and the Second World War, he left India, but could not digest his defeat. 

With the consent of Gandhi and Nehru, India and Pakistan were divided into two permanent enemies. The unfinished agenda of the British to fight the two countries is continued through British politicians and the British Broadcasting Corporation.

It is a historical fact that in 1947 BBC took a stand in favor of Pakistan on Kashmir. When Jawahar Lal Nehru took the issue of Kashmir to the United Nations after a ceasefire, the British government also took Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir. 

There are many proofs of the British government and BBC’s Pakistan and Muslim bias. BBC has maintained an anti-India mentality and policy of fighting Hindus and Muslims from Nehru’s tenure to Narendra Modi’s tenure.

Once in the nineties, such a situation had come that BBC had become dead in India, but after the start of the Ramjanmabhoomi movement and the demolition of the Babri structure, planning was done to revive the BBC in India as part of the agenda. Radical Muslim and leftist journalists were filled in BBC. 

After shutting down the radio service, the first half an hour of news videos was made and played on anti-RSS BJP TV channels like “NDTV”. Then these capsules also ran on Hindi news channels ETV. 

After the formation of the Modi government, BBC news videos took a clear line against the BJP, the RSS, and the Modi government and turned to YouTube. For the last eight years, BBC is working on the same agenda.

This is the latest evidence of British anti-Hindu and anti-India mentality that at the time of the Gujarat riots in 2002, British Foreign Minister Jack Straw asked the Indian High Commissioner to send a report. 

Some diplomats were also sent from Britain, who themselves went to Gujarat and called the journalists of Delhi to the British Library in New Delhi and took feedback from them. 

Most of them were Muslim and left-wing journalists, but journalists working in some unbiased regional newspapers like me also participated in these talks.

The purpose of calling regional journalists was that they should listen to their senior leftist journalists and adopt the same line in their writings, in this way the British government was working to influence the Indian media. 

All this work was being done under the supervision of the British High Commission. That is the same report which said that Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi fueled the anti-Muslim riots.

Although this is not a new thing, Indian newspapers and TV channels of that time used to make the same allegation. Especially NDTV news channel was working on the anti-Modi agenda only. 

A nexus of Muslim fundamentalists, left-leaning journalists, left-leaning intellectuals, communist-leaning NGOs, and anti-BJP political parties were also working on the anti-Narendra Modi agenda in the country and abroad.

Due to their lobbying, funding was done from America to those leftist NGOs of India, who were working on the anti-Modi agenda. Many secret meetings were also held among all of them to make a strategy.

After the formation of the UPA government at the center in 2004, these allegations against Narendra Modi were officially investigated. 

With the intervention of the Supreme Court, the SIT was formed under the chairmanship of CBI Director RK Raghavan, who was working directly under the Supreme Court.

Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister, faced a CBI investigation, once he was interrogated for nine hours in the SIT office in the capital of Gujarat itself.

Based on the SIT report, the Supreme Court acquitted Narendra Modi of all those charges, which were written in the British Foreign Ministry’s report through the British High Commission, and which have now been repeated in the BBC documentary. Meanwhile, many allegations of fake encounters were also leveled against Narendra Modi, but after the hearing at the Supreme Court, all those allegations were also rejected.

After Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, there was a sense of disappointment in that gang, because despite all their efforts, the people of India supported Narendra Modi, but they did not get tired. 

The series of fresh allegations continued. After “NDTV”, “The Hindu”, and “Kerevan”, several websites like “The Wire” and “Satya Hindi” were set up for the anti-Narendra Modi campaign.

After Narendra Modi won the second term in 2019, the BBC was also re-established, the radio was completely shut down and the BBC Hindi website went on a rampage on the anti-BJP and anti-India agenda. This work started again in the same way as it was done after independence in favor of Pakistan, Muslims, and Kashmir. Even maps showing Kashmir as part of Pakistan were issued.

Pakistan’s BBC reporters are also made to report anti-India news and broadcast it on the Hindi website. Now with just 15 months left for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, a documentary based on the British Foreign Ministry’s report on the Gujarat riots has been circulated to unite the opposition and rally Indian Muslims under one roof |

If we look at the list of journalists whose interviews have been shown in this documentary, then it will be clear that BBC has made this documentary only to fulfill the unfinished agenda of those journalists after being defeated in the Indian Judiciary.

In 2019, when the Modi government abolished 370 from Kashmir, the Labor Party passed a resolution against India. Labor Party leader and former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw gave the first interview to “The Wire” after the BBC documentary aired, in which he confirmed the British Foreign Office report.

The people behind the BBC documentary are those who have been working on the anti-Modi agenda since 2002 but were increasingly frustrated after 2014. The big question is that after 20 years and that too after two decisions of the Supreme Court, 

why this issue has been aired in a new color?

 During this period, due to the strengthening of India’s position at the international level, the role of those countries which are seen to be weak in front of India, also cannot be denied in this anti-India conspiracy.

By the way, it became clear as soon as Jack Straw came forward that this documentary has been made to hurt India, the Prime Minister of India, Hindus, and India’s judicial system. 

If BBC says that it has done pure journalism, and made this documentary after 20 years without any political agenda, it can be asked whether it will also make a documentary on its former Prime Minister Churchill, who killed 4 million Indians. Was

During the Second World War, when there was a drought in India, Churchill emptied India’s grain stores and delivered grain to the British Army. Due to this tragedy, 40 lakh Indians died. Churchill had clearly said that he considered Indians as animals, who keep on giving birth to children without thinking.

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